Public Safety Loans

Flexible Lending Options

for Public Safety Departments

Funding the Tools that Keep Rural America Safe

The firefighters, police officers, and paramedics who keep America’s communities safe are among the most precious publicly funded resources our country offers. At the push of three buttons, help is dispatched to quench fires, calm disturbances, and perform expert medical care. In Rural America, their faces are familiar; their presence, routine.

But the buildings and infrastructure they rely on can be an outsize cost to rural municipalities as compared to their urban counterparts. That’s why the USDA has earmarked special funds within its Community Facilities Loan Program to help fund the resources required by Rural America’s public safety teams.


Public Safety Loans through the Community Facilities Loan Program

Eligible Borrowers

Public Bodies

Indian Tribes on Federal and State Reservations

Indian Tribes on Federal & State Reservations

Federally Recognized Tribes

Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit Organizations

Examples of Other Essential Community Facilities
Healthcare and Hospitals

Healthcare & Hospitals

Power & Public Works

Educational & Social

Bridges, Roads & Airports

Telecom Equipment

Dams, Levees & Reservoirs

Public safety is just the beginning.

Within the USDA’s Community Facilities Loan Program is the umbrella of “public safety,” a category comprised of a variety of essential buildings and infrastructure, including fire departments, police stations, and prisons. But “facilities” doesn’t mean buildings alone. Police vehicles, fire trucks, and public works vehicles and equipment can also make use of the competitively priced loans. If the protection of Americans requires a certain tool or building, chances are a Community Facilities Loan could fund it.

The USDA’s Community Facilities Loan Program funds more than just rural public safety infrastructure, and unlike other loan programs from the USDA, the Community Facilities Loan is not designed for commercial undertakings. Rather, the funds are earmarked for facilities that provide essential services to rural communities. Such services can include healthcare, childcare, education, public gatherings, utilities, and food distribution, among others. If a community is in need of a certain facility, chances are a CF Loan could fund its construction or improvement.

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Public safety financing from NAC harnesses a government-guaranteed lending program called the USDA Community Facilities Loan Program. The competitive financing offers funding for projects that traditional banks often decline.

Public bodies, tribes on federal and state reservations, federally recognized tribes, and nonprofit organizations can all apply for USDA Community Facilities loans to obtain financing.

USDA CF Loans can be used to construct or improve essential community services, including public safety equipment, health care facilities, utilities, education, etc. Public safety loans can be used to build or renovate fire stations and police stations, or to purchase fire trucks, police vehicles, or ambulances, to name a few.

Why Choose North Avenue Capital?

Availability of Capital

As a rural business, you could qualify for up to $25 million in funding per project – substantially more than is available through traditional lenders.

Interest-Only Options

NAC’s interest-only construction loans free borrowers from redundant closings while reducing uncertainty, shifting terms, and equity calls.


NAC partners with businesses of all varieties, including well-established corporations, startup enterprises, and everything in between.

Simplified Structure

NAC can consolidate multiple types of debt into a single, amortized, non-callable, balloon-payment-free loan structure.