General, USDA Business & Industry Loans, USDA Community Facilities Loans, USDA REAP Loans

USDA Eligibility Map

One-of-a-Kind Map

Need a USDA OneRD loan? Wondering if you qualify? Not sure if your business is in an eligible area? We are here to make those questions easy to answer.

At North Avenue Capital, LLC (NAC) we have developed a USDA Business Loan Eligibility Map. This map makes figuring out your USDA loan eligibility easy.

There’s no other map like it!

NAC is one of the few banks that provides a state-of-the-art eligibility map to better serve clients nationwide. The USDA Rural Development Department has previously had the only working, capable mapping system on their site that tracks rural versus metro areas accurately.

North Avenue Capital is one of the first banks outside the USDA Program that has created a mapping system that holds accurate information as well as advanced user ability. From simplistic visuals to the easy-to-use search bar, the NAC USDA Business Loan Eligibility Map is a simpler version of the same product. As you view the map, take note that the white areas are eligible areas for USDA B&I Loans and shaded red areas are ineligible areas for USDA B&I Loans.

You can view the map here.

USDA Eligibility and Qualifications

The USDA Business & Industry (B&I) Loan Program is a loan program designed to help credit-worthy rural businesses obtain needed credit to grow and create jobs in their local communities.

To qualify:

  • Businesses must include for-profit businesses, nonprofits, cooperatives, federally recognized tribes, public bodies, and individuals.
  • Borrowers must be U.S. citizens or live in the United States after receiving permanent residence status. Private-entity borrowers must demonstrate that loan funds will remain in the United States and the facility being financed will focus on creating new or saving existing jobs for rural U.S. residents.
  • Certain geographic and demographic criteria must be met. For example, business headquarters located in cities/towns with a population of less than 50,000 qualify as rural America, which makes up nearly 97% of the land in the United States.

Our USDA Loan Specialists Are Here to Help

Our USDA loan specialists at NAC are available to help determine if a USDA loan is right for you and your business. Determining eligibility can be done in less than 5 minutes.

Our eligibility map is easy to use and understand, but if you have any questions, let our loan specialists know! We are here to help.

NAC is the only specialized commercial lender that exclusively lends USDA B&I Loans nationwide. We offer competitive interest rates, flexible terms, and high LTVs.

NAC is a non-traditional lender that:

  • Is uniquely positioned to dive deep into your business
  • Can develop an understanding of your key objectives
  • Can assist in preparing a USDA financing package that executes on your vision for growth and expansion
  • Possess a genuine interest in partnering with you to enhance your business, creating jobs in local communities and identifying opportunities to improve environmental conditions for the next generation of entrepreneurs.
  • Provide non-traditional lending experience with terms that fit their financial needs.
  • Is one of the only lenders nationwide exclusively focused on USDA Rural Development programs.
  • Uses our expertise, capital, and relationships to build businesses, grow local economies, and create jobs in rural America.

Talk with a USDA Loan Specialist

Want to talk to one of our USDA business loan specialists? Call us at 866.526.4950 with any USDA business loan questions or to determine your eligibility for a USDA business loan.

We have office locations in Arkansas, Tennessee, Texas, Georgia, Nevada, and Florida, but we are not limited by geographic location like many rural-oriented financial institutions and can partner on projects in all 50 states.

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